Hello all,
So I will no longer be posting my blog to this Blogger account. I have set up a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW blog in the "News" section of my website www.jimbot.com, and I will be doing everything there from now on. OF COURSE I will leave this up..... so no worries on that :). Please visit my blog though, and feel free to check out the new layout of my website.... it's SUPER NEATO!!!!
Take care
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hello True Believers!
Head on over to Trixie Fishstabber's blog and check out an interview with little old me! It's a lot of business-type talk, but is fun none the less!!!! :)
Check it out here:
Thanks all!
I have an entry in the Paul Frank Art Attack contest, and I need you to go vote for me!!!! Click on this link here:
And, if you like my entry, please give me 5 monkeys. Winning this contest would be GREAT for me, since, not only would I win a lot of exposure, and recognition, but I ALSO win a BOATLOAD of art supplies!!!! YAY!!!!
So go now, and vote.... and don't forget to tell your friends to vote too.... every one helps!
This is the piece I entered into the contest

Thanks again all,
I have an entry in the Paul Frank Art Attack contest, and I need you to go vote for me!!!! Click on this link here:
And, if you like my entry, please give me 5 monkeys. Winning this contest would be GREAT for me, since, not only would I win a lot of exposure, and recognition, but I ALSO win a BOATLOAD of art supplies!!!! YAY!!!!
So go now, and vote.... and don't forget to tell your friends to vote too.... every one helps!
This is the piece I entered into the contest

Thanks again all,
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hello all!
So back in the beginning of March, I was contacted by an art Teacher in the Buffalo Public Schools. She had told me that her students were going to be looking at my work, as well as another artist's work. We both used robots in our work. As part of the project, she has asked if her class could send me some questions. OF COURSE I had to say yes!!!! This seventh grade class then sent me some of the best questions I had ever been asked as an artist! They were simple, yet made me think a LOT. They made me think of my career, my art, and my future as an artist! It was an amazing experience overall, and I am so glad that I was asked to be a part of it! I would like to thank the class and the teacher for asking me to do this (you all know who you are). It was an honor to answer your questions, and the "class picture" that is above is nothing short of AMAZING!!!!!!!
So like I said before, the glass sent me a group of questions to answer. I just wanted to post these questions (and my answers). Like I said, it was a GREAT set of questions :).
So without any further delay, here are all of the questions. Thank you all again for asking me to be a part of this!
1- Q:How come some of the robots have a number 3 or 5 on them? What is the significance of the numbers?
A: Like in most of my paintings, I like to put hidden imagery, or at least imagery that means something to me, and is intreaguing to the viewer. Sometimes, the imagery is so personal, that I don't really share the meaning with people, and sometimes, I do. In the case of the 3 and 5 (and also 8 and 0), the 3 represents my wife, my daughter, and myself. The 5 and 8 are something that is personal to me, and the 0 is there because I simply like painting the number zero :). I can't say enough for just painting something you think is fun! Honestly, I really like all of those numbers, so it works out for me. The thing that I really like though is hearing what people say the numbers (and other imagery) mean to them. Like I say in my artist statement "the interpretation of my work is left up to the viewer, letting them establish their own ideas of my world, much like we are left to interpret the real world on our own"
A: Like in most of my paintings, I like to put hidden imagery, or at least imagery that means something to me, and is intreaguing to the viewer. Sometimes, the imagery is so personal, that I don't really share the meaning with people, and sometimes, I do. In the case of the 3 and 5 (and also 8 and 0), the 3 represents my wife, my daughter, and myself. The 5 and 8 are something that is personal to me, and the 0 is there because I simply like painting the number zero :). I can't say enough for just painting something you think is fun! Honestly, I really like all of those numbers, so it works out for me. The thing that I really like though is hearing what people say the numbers (and other imagery) mean to them. Like I say in my artist statement "the interpretation of my work is left up to the viewer, letting them establish their own ideas of my world, much like we are left to interpret the real world on our own"
2- Q:Does each image tell an individual story or are the iamges (the color ones) part or a collective story?
A: Both... I do have ongoing characters and one-off characters. Most of the regulars represent something, but others are just there cause I like to paint them :). I do have a story I am telling as well.... but it comes out in little chunks, and not necessarily in order either. I do, however, like to make each painting stand on it's own as well as be a part of a bigger story arc.
3- Q:How do you begin to create your drawings and paintings? (do you sketch, brainstorm, etc).
A: I have no real pattern as to how I create a painting. A lot of times though, it goes like this. An idea will hit me... many times they hit me while I am starting to fall asleep! After that, I do a rough sketch in my sketchbook, and from there I will either transfer that drawing to my surface (either by hand, or with the help of my handy-dandy Mac), or I will just re-draw it on the surface. After that I just build my painting, doing layer after layer. Also, my original drawing very seldom matches my painting... I add or subtract things as I go, and see how the space is being used. My process is very organic though, and I just do what feels right with each individual piece.
4- Q: Where do you get your ideas from?
A: Many things inspire me. My daughter, my Wife, Comic books, cartoons, advertising, everyday life.... or sometimes it comes out of nowhere. it all gets taken in and processed into my work. No artist is an island.... no matter how much they pretend to be.
5- Q: Do you express your feelings through your robots?
A: YES, YES, YES!!!!!! I have always loved the idea of something mechanical that has human emotions/feelings. I try to portray that as often as possible, and what better emotions to give it than my own :).
6- Q: How many drawings/paintings/prints have you created in a year?
A: Well, it varies. In 2009, I made around 30 paintings or so, but that was a big year. Before that, it has been less, but as the years go by, I am showing more places, and I need to create more. As far as drawings, I draw a LOT... pretty much daily. Mostly I am drawing in my sketchbook though to get out ideas for new robots, monsters, painting ideas, etc. Usually they are pretty rough though.
7- Q: Why do you draw these creatures?
A: Many of these creatures represent something to me. Either to help me get a feeling out, or just to have fun, and everything in between. Also, I feel like I HAVE to paint them... otherwise they will just rattle around in my brain, and they don't rally like that...they deserve to be let out :).
8-Q: Is it cool to be an artist?
A: Yes... but it is a LOT of hard work and dedication :).
9-Q: Do you do other things besides the art that is on your web site?
A: As far as other art, I like to sculpt, screenprint, and take photographs, but these days a LOT of my time is devoted to my painting/drawing. Also, I carry a camera with me almost everywhere. You never know when you will come by that amazing shot that you wish you had your camera for! As far as non-art related things, I read a lot of comics, hang out with my family/friends, play video games... the usual stuff.
10- Q: What did you go to school for? Where did you go to school?
A: I went to school for Illustration and Graphic Design (double major), and I went to MIAD (the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design)... that's an art college around here.
11- Q: Do you only paint and draw?
A: No, like I said above, I like to sculpt, screenprint, and take photographs. Those are mostly for fun, and I don't show people that work, other than friends and family. Though I will say that I am working on my own line of t-shirts..... so I guess people will be seeing that stuff. I used to do a lot of computer-based art too, but I found that I like doing hand-generated things better.
12- Q: Why did you choose to be an artist?
A: Like many artists, it was something I just did my whole life...... making art just drove me. When I was a little kid I was drawing a lot (yes, my mom still has a lot of them too), and it just continued through high-school to college to now. I will say though that there was a time in high school when I was deciding if I wanted to be an artist or a computer programmer. I wrote my first program in 5th grade, so I have been into computers for a long time too. I'm glad I choose this route though.... there is nothing like doing a body of work, then putting it on display for everyone to see! Just talking to everyone at the shows is fantastic!
13- Q: Are all of your artworks small?
A: Currently, most of my work ranges from about 6x6 inches to about 18x24 inches. This year though, for 2 shows I am doing, I am creating pieces that are much bigger, ranging from about 12x18 inches to 50x50 inches. I think every year my work gets bigger and bigger.
14- Q: For how long have you been an artist?
A: As long as I can remember! If I wasn't drawing my favorite animal or Transformer, I was creating something out of popsicle sticks! I have always loved making things, and it will be a very sad day (if it ever comes) when I can no longer create. It is a MAJOR part of me.
Ok, that's it!
Thank you again, class, for asking me to be a part of your project! I hope you all liked my answers to your questions, and maybe one day I will see YOUR work in a gallery :).
Take care
Monday, March 8, 2010
Jimbot @ Art Whino, G40: The Summit
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Sneek Peek at my next project!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
B.F.F.'s - Trapjaw and Beastman
Friday, November 6, 2009
Sneaky preview of my 88point5.com show on November 7th
Hello again all!
Here are a couple of paintings for my show with Gallery 1988 on their online gallery at www.88point5.com. I'd love to hear what you all think!!!!!

Here are a couple of paintings for my show with Gallery 1988 on their online gallery at www.88point5.com. I'd love to hear what you all think!!!!!

"Life Essentials" show entry
Hey all,
Here is a painting I submitted for the Art Whino "Life Essentials" show that will be touring for a while. They are not only touring with Thievery Corporation, but will also be going through Art Basel this year... WOW!!!! I wish I could go!!! :). It is titled "Ride of the Giver", is 18x24 inches, and is Acrylic on Masonite
Here is a painting I submitted for the Art Whino "Life Essentials" show that will be touring for a while. They are not only touring with Thievery Corporation, but will also be going through Art Basel this year... WOW!!!! I wish I could go!!! :). It is titled "Ride of the Giver", is 18x24 inches, and is Acrylic on Masonite

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Jimbot's ETSY Shop, Labor Day Sale.... FREE STUFF!!!!! (nothing says "Labor Day" like free stuff)
LABOR DAY SALE!!!!!!!! @ www.jimbot.etsy.com
This WHOLE weekend, through Labor Day (5th-7th) I am going to be giving away FREE prints!
• If you purchase $50 or more in items from my shop, you will get one free print of a painting! ($10 - $12 value!)
• If you purchase $75 or more in items from my shop, you will get TWO free prints of TWO different paintings! ($20 - $24 value!)
• If you purchase $100 or more in items, you will NOT ONLY get TWO free prints of TWO different paintings, but you will get a gocco print of your choice!!!!! ($30 - $36 valie!!!)
That's a lot of free stuff!!!! Just let me know what prints you would like when you make your payment, or, with an etsy message.... that's all you have to do!!!
Take advantage of this while it lasts.... cause the weekend won't last forever (Unfortunately)! To see my shop, click here: www.jimbot.etsy.com
Take care all
This WHOLE weekend, through Labor Day (5th-7th) I am going to be giving away FREE prints!
• If you purchase $50 or more in items from my shop, you will get one free print of a painting! ($10 - $12 value!)
• If you purchase $75 or more in items from my shop, you will get TWO free prints of TWO different paintings! ($20 - $24 value!)
• If you purchase $100 or more in items, you will NOT ONLY get TWO free prints of TWO different paintings, but you will get a gocco print of your choice!!!!! ($30 - $36 valie!!!)
That's a lot of free stuff!!!! Just let me know what prints you would like when you make your payment, or, with an etsy message.... that's all you have to do!!!
Take advantage of this while it lasts.... cause the weekend won't last forever (Unfortunately)! To see my shop, click here: www.jimbot.etsy.com
Take care all
Monday, August 10, 2009
It's been a while....
Hello all,
So it's been a while since I posted, but be assured there is a LOT going on in Jimbot-land. Shows, shows, and more shows! There are going to be some big things coming!!!!! Till I make more announcements, I will post a little teaser image for you... and this is just the tip of the iceberg!

I would LOVE to hear what you think of this!!! Good or bad of course :).
ALSO, there have been some problems with the jimbot.com website. Some people are having troubles getting on to it, and some aren't... who knows what is going on... this new-fangled internet thingy is making me fry a few circuits. Till we get things taken care of, keep your eyes on this blog... there will be lots coming VERY soon! :)
Take care all
So it's been a while since I posted, but be assured there is a LOT going on in Jimbot-land. Shows, shows, and more shows! There are going to be some big things coming!!!!! Till I make more announcements, I will post a little teaser image for you... and this is just the tip of the iceberg!

I would LOVE to hear what you think of this!!! Good or bad of course :).
ALSO, there have been some problems with the jimbot.com website. Some people are having troubles getting on to it, and some aren't... who knows what is going on... this new-fangled internet thingy is making me fry a few circuits. Till we get things taken care of, keep your eyes on this blog... there will be lots coming VERY soon! :)
Take care all
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Hey all....
So I've been checking out this site for a while:
If you like art, then check this place out... it's FULL of fantastic illustrators! It is a site where artists are able to set up blogs, but there is one catch... it is by invite ONLY, and you can only be invited by the other members! Thing is, even if you DO get invited, it STILL is a hard process to go through... YIKES!
The moral of this post though.... if you are reading this, and have the ability to invite people to drawger.com, why not consider adding ol' Jimbot :). I like to make arts, and am fun at parties too (WOW... this sounds like I am putting up a personals add, haha).
Ok, till next time
Later holmslices
So I've been checking out this site for a while:
If you like art, then check this place out... it's FULL of fantastic illustrators! It is a site where artists are able to set up blogs, but there is one catch... it is by invite ONLY, and you can only be invited by the other members! Thing is, even if you DO get invited, it STILL is a hard process to go through... YIKES!
The moral of this post though.... if you are reading this, and have the ability to invite people to drawger.com, why not consider adding ol' Jimbot :). I like to make arts, and am fun at parties too (WOW... this sounds like I am putting up a personals add, haha).
Ok, till next time
Later holmslices
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Lots goin down!
Hey all!
Well, there has been a lot going on here in Jimbot-land these days. The biggest thing being my daughter being born!!!!!!! She is an amazing baby... but she takes a lot of attention :). Still though, I love it, and I love her.... she's great! :D
So ANYWAY, I DO have some new art to share with you. I think I will just make this post a big art-dump so you can check it out. I'll try to put some info under each piece as to what it was created for. I've been SOOOO busy since she was born.... I even did a couple of pieces that aren't going to be posted on here.
Alright, time for me to go make a bottle (and try to catch some sleep) :).
Take care all

"Back In My Day". Done for the show "Childhood Revisited 2". There are 102 different 80's references in this painting!!!!

"Slobulus". Done for the show "Childhood Revisited 2" (Inspired by Madballs)

"Crack Head". Done for the show "Childhood Revisited 2" (Inspired by Madballs)

"Oculus Orbus". Done for the show "Childhood Revisited 2" (Inspired by Madballs)

"Skull Face". Done for the show "Childhood Revisited 2" (Inspired by Madballs)

"Aargh". Done for the show "Childhood Revisited 2" (Inspired by Madballs)

"CMYK". A group of nesting dolls done for a show in Chicago at "A.Okay" gallery

"Poky Little Monster". Done for the show "Beyond the Page" for Gallery 1988 in San Francisco

"Papa Bear has a Moustache". Done for the show "Beyond the Page" for Gallery 1988 in San Francisco
Well, there has been a lot going on here in Jimbot-land these days. The biggest thing being my daughter being born!!!!!!! She is an amazing baby... but she takes a lot of attention :). Still though, I love it, and I love her.... she's great! :D
So ANYWAY, I DO have some new art to share with you. I think I will just make this post a big art-dump so you can check it out. I'll try to put some info under each piece as to what it was created for. I've been SOOOO busy since she was born.... I even did a couple of pieces that aren't going to be posted on here.
Alright, time for me to go make a bottle (and try to catch some sleep) :).
Take care all

"Back In My Day". Done for the show "Childhood Revisited 2". There are 102 different 80's references in this painting!!!!

"Slobulus". Done for the show "Childhood Revisited 2" (Inspired by Madballs)

"Crack Head". Done for the show "Childhood Revisited 2" (Inspired by Madballs)

"Oculus Orbus". Done for the show "Childhood Revisited 2" (Inspired by Madballs)

"Skull Face". Done for the show "Childhood Revisited 2" (Inspired by Madballs)

"Aargh". Done for the show "Childhood Revisited 2" (Inspired by Madballs)

"CMYK". A group of nesting dolls done for a show in Chicago at "A.Okay" gallery

"Poky Little Monster". Done for the show "Beyond the Page" for Gallery 1988 in San Francisco

"Papa Bear has a Moustache". Done for the show "Beyond the Page" for Gallery 1988 in San Francisco
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Jimbot at Gallery 1988 for the upcoming "Idiot Box" show
Hello everyone!
Well, I have a couple more pieces of art for you to put your eyes on. They are for the April 2nd show "Idiot Box" at Gallery 1988! This one is going to be hosted by Mr. Belding (Dennis Haskins). The Theme for this show was those classic television shows that you love... I picked "The A-Team" and "ALF". :).... ENJOY!!!

"A is for Android"
Size: 14x18 inches
Medium: Acrylic on Masonite panel
This piece shows what the A-Team would look like if they were all robots...and if the "A" in A-Team stood for "Android".

"Grape Soda Teardrops"
From: "ALF" Season 1, Episode 3
Size: 9.75x12 inches
Medium: Acrylic on Masonite panel
This piece shows the scene from the episode where ALF is running away because they think ALF ate the family cat. He is going to find the cat and bring it back to them. While he was writing his goodbye letter, he spilled some grape soda on the paper, and called them teardrops.
Alright everyone, I hope you enjoyed this! Posts could be scattered after this.... our new little baby is going to be coming soon!!!!!! YAY!!!! :)
Till next time, take care all
Well, I have a couple more pieces of art for you to put your eyes on. They are for the April 2nd show "Idiot Box" at Gallery 1988! This one is going to be hosted by Mr. Belding (Dennis Haskins). The Theme for this show was those classic television shows that you love... I picked "The A-Team" and "ALF". :).... ENJOY!!!

"A is for Android"
Size: 14x18 inches
Medium: Acrylic on Masonite panel
This piece shows what the A-Team would look like if they were all robots...and if the "A" in A-Team stood for "Android".

"Grape Soda Teardrops"
From: "ALF" Season 1, Episode 3
Size: 9.75x12 inches
Medium: Acrylic on Masonite panel
This piece shows the scene from the episode where ALF is running away because they think ALF ate the family cat. He is going to find the cat and bring it back to them. While he was writing his goodbye letter, he spilled some grape soda on the paper, and called them teardrops.
Alright everyone, I hope you enjoyed this! Posts could be scattered after this.... our new little baby is going to be coming soon!!!!!! YAY!!!! :)
Till next time, take care all
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Urban Garage Sale!!!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Jimbot Design on Threadless
Hello all,
Just a quick post today. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, should go to www.radiolab.org and start listening to their podcast!!!!!! You can also get the podcast on itunes, just search for Radiolab. I guess you could call it a science show, but it is SOOO much more than that. If you are at all curious about the world around you, and how it works, then give these guys a listen... they will blow you away, and change your life!!!! I give it my personal "2 robotic thumbs up"!!!!
In case you need it again, here is the link to the Radiolab website:
(I thought I would post it a few times, just in case you missed it :)
Take care all
Just a quick post today. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, should go to www.radiolab.org and start listening to their podcast!!!!!! You can also get the podcast on itunes, just search for Radiolab. I guess you could call it a science show, but it is SOOO much more than that. If you are at all curious about the world around you, and how it works, then give these guys a listen... they will blow you away, and change your life!!!! I give it my personal "2 robotic thumbs up"!!!!
In case you need it again, here is the link to the Radiolab website:
(I thought I would post it a few times, just in case you missed it :)
Take care all
Monday, February 16, 2009
Monstery Monsters!
Hello all!
SO I have a BUNCH of new stuff up in my etsy store, including some VERY affordable original paintings! They are all 6x6 inches, and depict some kind of monster.... I just love painting me some monsters! ANYWAY, check them out at my etsy store HERE
To get you interested, here's a little something to wet your whistle!

There is also a LOT more in the store, including bags, prints, gocco prints, and MORE....
Take care all
SO I have a BUNCH of new stuff up in my etsy store, including some VERY affordable original paintings! They are all 6x6 inches, and depict some kind of monster.... I just love painting me some monsters! ANYWAY, check them out at my etsy store HERE
To get you interested, here's a little something to wet your whistle!

There is also a LOT more in the store, including bags, prints, gocco prints, and MORE....
Take care all
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Hey all,
So I just wanted to show you my entry for the CTA (Chicago Train Art) show at A.Okay Gallery called "A.Okay Loves CTA" custom train show! It is a custom painted "O Scale" model train.... I hope you all enjoy!

So anyway, I have been into painting monsters a lot lately... I dunno why.... it's just a lot of fun! Keep an eye out for lots more monsters popping up :).
Take care all
So I just wanted to show you my entry for the CTA (Chicago Train Art) show at A.Okay Gallery called "A.Okay Loves CTA" custom train show! It is a custom painted "O Scale" model train.... I hope you all enjoy!

So anyway, I have been into painting monsters a lot lately... I dunno why.... it's just a lot of fun! Keep an eye out for lots more monsters popping up :).
Take care all
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Fight for your right to party!!!!
Hey all,
Well, I probably should have posted this one a month ago, but I guess better late than never, right :).
So I did a piece for the Beastie Boys show at Gallery 1988 in California. The show was earlier this month, and has come and gone already, but you can still see all of the great pieces here. If you wanna see MY piece though, here it is:

Alright, I hope you enjoy!
Till next time, take care
Well, I probably should have posted this one a month ago, but I guess better late than never, right :).
So I did a piece for the Beastie Boys show at Gallery 1988 in California. The show was earlier this month, and has come and gone already, but you can still see all of the great pieces here. If you wanna see MY piece though, here it is:

Alright, I hope you enjoy!
Till next time, take care
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Wanna Find out MORE about Jimbot?!?!?!?
Hey all!
So the nice people at Carmine Magazine (http://carminemag.com/) decided to interview me. OF COURSE I had to jump at the chance, so if you have some time, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, click HERE, and delve into the brain of Jimbot.
ENJOY ALL!!!!! :)
Here is the direct link to the interview:
So the nice people at Carmine Magazine (http://carminemag.com/) decided to interview me. OF COURSE I had to jump at the chance, so if you have some time, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, click HERE, and delve into the brain of Jimbot.
ENJOY ALL!!!!! :)
Here is the direct link to the interview:
Friday, December 19, 2008
Jimbot at Art VS Craft on November 28th 2008
Hello all!
Well, it's been a busy time here in the art cave! Getting the cave cleaned for the holidays is a DAUNTING task to say the least!
Anyway, I just wanted to post a quick pic of my booth at Art VS Craft..... it was a BLAST! There were TONS of great artists there, and I was VERY happy to be a part of it :).

Alright, that's it for now! Chack out more pics here. I'll be posting a pic of my painting for the Beastie Boy show at Gallery 1988 soon!!!!
Till then, take care
Well, it's been a busy time here in the art cave! Getting the cave cleaned for the holidays is a DAUNTING task to say the least!
Anyway, I just wanted to post a quick pic of my booth at Art VS Craft..... it was a BLAST! There were TONS of great artists there, and I was VERY happy to be a part of it :).

Alright, that's it for now! Chack out more pics here. I'll be posting a pic of my painting for the Beastie Boy show at Gallery 1988 soon!!!!
Till then, take care
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Jimbot at Art Whino Solo Show Pics.....
Hey all,
Well, here is a link to some photos I took while I was at my solo show at Art Whino in D.C.! It was a GREAT time, and the people at the gallery were FANTASTIC! They treated my wife and I like celebs :). Thank you to Shane and all the the Art Whino peeps!!!!!
Anyway, feel free to check things out!!! HERE :)

Well, here is a link to some photos I took while I was at my solo show at Art Whino in D.C.! It was a GREAT time, and the people at the gallery were FANTASTIC! They treated my wife and I like celebs :). Thank you to Shane and all the the Art Whino peeps!!!!!
Anyway, feel free to check things out!!! HERE :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008
It's been a slow start

Hello all,
Well, I know it's been a slow start to my "Jimbot News" page, but I hope to update it more often.... ESPECIALLY since I am going to be adding a link to it on my website!
Well, till then, here is a flier for my solo show that happened this past Saturday. My art will be up for a while, so please give them a visit, or check out the work online!
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